How Does Acupuncture Work?
Reduces Inflammation
The body has hundreds of neural junctions that we call acupuncture points. When there is disease or inflammation from an injury, needles are inserted into certain acu points to modulate that output of inflammation.
Keeps you regular
Acupuncture points lie on channels we call, Meridians. Think of these meridians as rivers. When there is disease or the body is out of balance, these meridians get blocked and like a river when blocked can cause stagnation. Acupuncture works to unblock it and keep the "river" running smooth.
Can I see your tongue?
You will notice during your initial intake, the doc will ask to see your tongue and feel your pulse. This might seem bizarre, but the tongue and pulse is a diagnostic tool we use to assess the state of the organs within the body. Take a look at your tongue for yourself and watch it change after a few treatments.
See you next week
The most important part of healing is consistency. It is very common to experience relief after 1-3 treatments, but maintaining consistent treatment will yield a longer and more permanent result.