Our Ways To Help You
Acupuncture is not as scary as it seems. We use super thin hair-like needles and insert them into neural junctions called acupuncture points.
Microneedling & Cosmetics
Whether you want to smooth out wrinkles or want to glow from having acne in your early years, we offer facial acupuncture and microneedling that pampers you so you can feel radiant afterwards.
Herbal Medicine
Herbal medicine is an incredibly effective and natural way to accelerate results at home by consuming a custom prescribed formula of herbs. Comes in tea form or capsules
Cupping & Massage
An adjunctive therapy to acupuncture is fire cupping. Like a "reverse massage" glass cups are used to help with tight muscles and knotted fascia. Most people say it feels so good and few are even proud to show off the temporary circle marks.
Lab testing
By ordering and reviewing your blood work we can interpret and explain what is happening on a biochemical level. This method gives us another lens to look through to offer you better treatment of care.
Nutritional Supplements
Some patients are deficient in certain vitamins and minerals and need extra supplementation. We make sure to provide you with the safest and most effective level of supplementation that grocery stores can not offer.